
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2010 Hutsman World Senior Game Medal Winners

Not shown in picture Sherry Gusse and Morgan Robins
Congatulations to our medal winners who have kicked off the new 2010-2011 Tournament Season

WOW 22 Medals!

Bronze     Sue Buerkens      Women's Doubles
Gold        Sue Buerkens      Women's Doubles 4.0
Gold        Sue Buerkens      Womens' Singles
Bronze     Sue Buerkens      Mixed Doubles      
Bronze     Lynn Carlson       Men's Doubles       
Silver       Lynn Carlson       Mixed Doubles       
Gold        AJ Fraties            Men's Doubles Div 2
Gold        AJ Fraties            Men's Doubles 4.0
Gold        Irene Fraties        Mixed Doubles Div 2
Bronze     Irene Fraties        Women's Doubles 3.5
Gold        John Grasso         Men's Doubles Div 2
Gold        John Grasso         Mens's Doubles 4.0
Gold        John Grasso         Mixed Doubles Div 2
Silver       Sherry Gusse       Mixed Doubles      
Gold        Al Hager               Mixed Doubles      
Bronze     Ken Reese            Mixed Doubles
Bronze     Morgan Robins     Men's Doubles Div 2
Bronze     Barb Schmidt       Women's Doubles 3.5
Bronze     LeRoy Schmidt     Men's Doubles Div 2
Bronze     Mary Whitfield     Women's Doubles 
Gold        Mary Whitfield     Women's Doubles 4.0
Bronze     Jerry Winter        Men's Doubles        

On top of all of this our very own Doug Kant was quoted in the St. George "Spectrum", a daily newspaper
Doug Kant and Carol Haworth live far apart - he's from Michigan, she lives in Canada - but managed to connect online where a love of the sport brought them together for the senior games. "She needed a partner and I needed a partner and so we hooked up on the internet," said Kant, who is making his first appearance in the Huntsman games. "They play pickleball down at an RV park (where I live) and they asked me to come down and play and it sure is fun."

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