
Friday, June 11, 2010

Joyce Staffen

Joyce is more than a "little" active when it comes to the game of Pickleball, she previously served as our club treasurer for 2 years and for the past two years she has organized a competitive Women's event for our club members. Joyce also does a great job competing in tournaments, this season she won medals in 6 different tournaments and went home this summer and has already picked up another 2 medals. Joyce definitely gives meaning to the expression “She is not getting older, she is getting better". To round out her Pickleball commitment she is also the USAPA ambassador for Mecosta County, Michigan.
Last year Joyce was written up in her hometown newspaper. I did contact Pioneer newspaper for a link to the article, for a clean copy, they have failed to respond. So although there is a small gap in the article below, you will get the gist of the interview

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