
Sunday, February 14, 2010


Our thanks to Donna Christiansen and her team for keeping all the events moving

Andy Schmaltz who once again numbered the matches for us

Tom and Jeanne Gearhart for running the Ref board and all the referee's who volunteered, without them we could not have had this tournament - the ever ready lines people who were steadfast in watching the lines during medal matches

Michael Hill who started the coffee every morning at 5:00 AM and was a “jack of all trades”

Edie Preis and her team for all the great food and drinks every day

Laurel Wineinger and her photographers who tirelessly photographed the action

Last but not least – Thank you to Morgan Robins and his team for getting everything setup and taken down

We had 124 players participate in the Palm Creek Resident Pickleball Tournament.

There were 214 matches and we awarded 126 medals.

Thanks again for everyone who helped - without you we could not have had a great tournament

Barb and LeRoy Schmidt

2010 Tournament Directors

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