
Thursday, January 3, 2019

For the New Year

Jennifer Lucore - a 5.5 rated pro player published 7 New Year Resolutions

These 2 resolutions are very appropriate for our club. Our club grew to its amazing size because of enjoying who we play with and having fun
  1. Have Fun

    Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. I know you’ve heard that before. Sure, it’s great to win, but not at the cost of getting upset with yourself, your partner or even your opponents. There’s enough turmoil in our daily lives, let’s keep the pickleball court our “fun” haven.
  2. Socialize Before and After Games

    Make a point to join your pickleball pals for off-court fun. It’s awesome to learn what everyone does (or did) in their professional lives. This pickleball “team” we’re all on consists of nothing short of amazing people; get to know them!

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