
Friday, February 6, 2015

Are You Ready

to enjoy our Resident Tournament?

Can’t decide what to wear? Let’s have color days!! Saturday, for the Cancer Awareness event, wear pink or purple for you cancer survivors, or for the guys, red or maroon is good. Sunday is Blue/Teal day. Monday is Lime Green day. Show your colors!!! 

The Sports Grille will be open for lunches. Coffee and snacks will be available for players.

Please be earth friendly. Use recycle bins for all of your recyclable water/drink bottles. All other garbage goes in the garbage cans. Please do not co-mingle.

Please keep bags and other personal belongings off the ground, we do not want anyone to accidentally trip, resulting in injuries

Golf cart parking will be available on the north end of the courts in the parking areas. 

The weekend promises to be sunny and warm. Please remember to hydrate and wear sun protectant, This is important for spectators, volunteers and players

The USAPA Table will be open from 10-3 each day, We are here to help and answer your questions about pickleball, our club, the USAPA, if we do not know the answer, we will find it for you!
  • If you need to pay for your club membership, this is the perfect time.  You do not want to miss out on the planned social events for the rest of the season
  • Still don't have a club pin?  $ 3 each of 2/$5
  • The latest USAPA rule book - $5 (supply limited)
  • A USAPA decal - $1
  • USAPA Shirts - $12 (supply limited)
  • USAPA Applications and Renewals. Renewals will extend from your current expiration date. Membership will be required starting next January to play in all sanctioned tournaments.
Cheer for Our Players
Have Fun This Weekend!

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