
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Bob and Bev Youngren
Taught 121 registered club members for 2 days

Edie Preis and Sandi Feller
Check in club members both days

During the morning sessions, Bob and Bev started with rudimentary information for the beginner players and as the clinic progressed discussed advanced strategies for the tournament player

During the afternoon sessions, members watched some exhibition play and took to the courts to have their own play evaluated

Bev and Bob were our guest for the first pot luck dinner of the season

No warm up needed to put on a great pot luck dinner

We also celebrated Bob Youngren's Birthday
(Self acclaimed oldest 5.0 male player)

Bev and Bob
Great Athletes
Great Ambassadors
Thank You

Additional photos have been posted in an album created for the clinic
Photos courtesy of Verna Moore and Barb Schmidt

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